Chemical-free and natural pet food. Raw dog and cat food even the fussiest of eaters. If you have any questions, speak to qualified pet nutritionist, Patty Walcott. Patty can design a healthy diet that is tailor made for your dog or cat, even the fussy eaters are catered for. Each diet is designed for your […]
Why is my cat sick? Common health problems in cats. Article by Dr. Becker. Dated 29th June 2015. Have you ever thought something was a little “off” with your cat but you couldn’t quite pinpoint it? Maybe she was eating less, sleeping more, or avoiding you. Maybe she was sitting or lying in an awkward […]
The 3 pillars for pet health. Article by Dr. Becker. Published on 19 December 2014. Dr. Becker’s Comments Preventative medicine is not only important for us humans, but equally important for keeping our pets with us for as long as possible. You have to “create your pet’s health” proactively throughout his life, rather than waiting […]
Natural cat treatments. Nick came to see me to see if I could do anything to help Jack, his four year old cat who had been constantly itching for over two years and had chronic constipation for over 12 months. Jack was having reactions to medication the vet had given him and also suffered from […]
Dog digestive problems. Bobby had been vomiting on and off for four years, starting out at serious vomits every 6 weeks, with a loss of energy and appetite just before these episodes and has steadily vomited more frequently with these episodes every week. He was also eating large amount of grass every day. Bobby had regular […]
Natural treatments for kidney failure in cats. Prudence was delivered to me when she was only 6 weeks old and she was given the name Prudence as she was a very feisty kitten, would beat up my older cat Biggles who was 3 times her size, would not be picked up or cuddles under any […]