Pet immunisation is far riskier than you may think, yet it’s highly promoted by vets. The traditional veterinary community has decided to co-opt the CDC’s “National Immunisation Awareness Month” for humans, which occurs each year in August. The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) encourage their membership to “Use […]
Dog car sickness caused by severe separation anxiety. Scout’s owner came to me asking for a herbal remedy for car sickness, as Scout would continually vomit every time he was taken for a trip in the car, even to the dog park. The vet had checked him out and said he had no obvious physical […]
Dog digestive problems. Bobby had been vomiting on and off for four years, starting out at serious vomits every 6 weeks, with a loss of energy and appetite just before these episodes and has steadily vomited more frequently with these episodes every week. He was also eating large amount of grass every day. Bobby had regular […]
Dog massage for chronic pain. Lady, a 13 year old terrier came to me after being sick for some time. She had been tested at the vets and the Specialist Hospital with no definitive diagnosis found. She had been treated with a number of different antibiotics, had been scanned and x-rayed and the plan was […]
Natural therapies used to treat constantly vomiting dog. Jordan’s owner was desperate to try and help him and the vet had run out of options. When I saw Jordan he walked extremely slowly and was very stiff in his action and he had laboured breathing. He was on Prevacox every day from the vet for […]
Natural treatments for dogs with bells palsy. Buddy’s owner called me in great distress as her beloved 7 year old collie was very ill with what the vets had diagnosed as Bells Palsy. The vets had told her there was nothing they could do so she was a bit desperate. When Buddy arrived you could […]
Massage and natural pet therapies help repair dog’s cruciate ligament. Toby was rescued with a number of health issues with a new owner that is very focused on natural pet therapies where possible. He had a number of behaviour issues and needed an operation on his Cruciate Ligament. He responded well to all the work […]
Natural pain remedies assist active dog. Molly is a large mix breed dog who came to me at the ripe old age of 13. Being an extremely athletic girl, several years ago she severely pulled, and tore, most of her tendons in both back legs on separate occasions. Molly received excellent treatment and care from […]
All natural diet helps fix puppy’s skin irritation. “I’m a much happier pooch after seeing Patty”, says Miley the puppy. Patty’s professional advice and a healthier approach to helping out Miley have been invaluable. As a puppy Miley started off her life a bit tough, beginning her journey into this beautiful world on a farm […]
In July 2010 my 2 year old beagle Poppy was diagnosed with Beagle Pain Syndrome (Also known as Necrotizing Vasculitis & Steroid Responsive Meningitis). A Brief rundown of symptoms Pop had include…. Episodes of – Shaking, hunched back not able to lift her head, fever, lack of appetite, stiff neck, muscle spasms in the front […]