dog immunity titer testing sydney

Dog immune status titre testing Australia

Article by Dr. Rebecca Jenner. Dated 19 December 2014. VacciCheck is an Antibody Test Kit which is able to detect antibody levels in the small amount of blood that is required for the test to be completed, and the result that is obtained within 30 minutes can be extremely useful in determining the vaccination status […]

natural pet treatments

Herbs, homeopathy, nutrition and acupuncture for optimum pet health

The 3 pillars for pet health. Article by Dr. Becker. Published on 19 December 2014. Dr. Becker’s Comments Preventative medicine is not only important for us humans, but equally important for keeping our pets with us for as long as possible. You have to “create your pet’s health” proactively throughout his life, rather than waiting […]

is pet immunisation safe

Pet immunisation – Are cat and dog vaccinations safe?

Pet immunisation is far riskier than you may think, yet it’s highly promoted by vets. The traditional veterinary community has decided to co-opt the CDC’s “National Immunisation Awareness Month” for humans, which occurs each year in August. The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) encourage their membership to “Use […]

dog car sickness natural remedy

Scout’s story : Herbal remedies for dog car sickness and acute separation anxiety

Dog car sickness caused by severe separation anxiety. Scout’s owner came to me asking for a herbal remedy for car sickness, as Scout would continually vomit every time he was taken for a trip in the car, even to the dog park. The vet had checked him out and said he had no obvious physical […]

cat constipation natural remedy

Jack’s story : Natural remedies help cat constipation and itching skin

Natural cat treatments. Nick came to see me to see if I could do anything to help Jack, his four year old cat who had been constantly itching for over two years and had chronic constipation for over 12 months. Jack was having reactions to medication the vet had given him and also suffered from […]

dog homeopathy digestive problems

Bobby’s story : Homeopathy used to treat dogs digestive problems

Dog digestive problems. Bobby had been vomiting on and off for four years, starting out at serious vomits every 6 weeks, with a loss of energy and appetite just before these episodes and has steadily vomited more frequently with these episodes every week. He was also eating large amount of grass every day. Bobby had regular […]

dog acupuncture sydney

Lady’s story : Acupuncture & massage helps dog with chronic pain

Dog massage for chronic pain. Lady, a 13 year old terrier came to me after being sick for some time. She had been tested at the vets and the Specialist Hospital with no definitive diagnosis found. She had been treated with a number of different antibiotics, had been scanned and x-rayed and the plan was […]

Claude’s story : Natural remedies used to treat ringworm & staph infection in a cat

Cat staph inflection natural remedies and herbal treatments. I first met Claude in late October 2010. It is hard to put into words how bad Claude looked with no hair, extremely red and inflamed skin, bleeding from multiple areas that he had scratched constantly and so miserable he would go up into the rafters of […]

natural dog arthritis rememdies

Jordan’s story : Natural pet remedies used to treat joint pain, arthritis & vomiting

Natural therapies used to treat constantly vomiting dog. Jordan’s owner was desperate to try and help him and the vet had run out of options. When I saw Jordan he walked extremely slowly and was very stiff in his action and he had laboured breathing. He was on Prevacox every day from the vet for […]

Buddy’s story : Homeopathic treatments for dog Bells Palsy

Natural treatments for dogs with bells palsy. Buddy’s owner called me in great distress as her beloved 7 year old collie was very ill with what the vets had diagnosed as Bells Palsy. The vets had told her there was nothing they could do so she was a bit desperate. When Buddy arrived you could […]